Can't sleep

You know those nights when you just can't sleep no matter how hard you try? Yeah I'm having one of those nights.
It's currently 04:14 AM and I'm thinking about taking moms offer about getting me some pills because this is getting ridiculous. I have these nights way to often. I can literally go to bed at 11 PM and still don't fall asleep until 2 AM. Some nights it's worse than others as you may have noticed considering the early hour. I feel like maybe I shouldn't go to sleep at all and just stay awake until tonight. There are lots of things I'd like to do before school starts again, like finishing my book, pre-writing a couple blog posts. Maybe now is a good time since I can't fall asleep anyways. I'll have my cats as company and I might be able to sneak into the kitchen for a snack. (Probably not though since my parents have a view of the kitchen from their bedroom.) I wish I had brought my chocolate into my room...
I'm really thirsty though.
Okay this is turning into a page full of my random thoughts.
I'll try to sleep one more time.

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Hello! This blog is kind of a work in progress. I don't really know what I want to focus on. If you wanna know more about me you can click the link in the menu above. <3
