Goals For The New Year

So, these are my main goals, the things that are important to me and the things I wan't to achive.
Of course there are other things I wan't to do this year. I wan't to travel somewhere, I wan't to put focus on this blog and develop it. Which is something I will have more time for in the summer but if I manage to post three times every week I would say that's and achivement.
Losing weight is at the top of my list, it's my number one priority and it's honestly not so much losing weight as it is losing fat. I've been insecure for so long and I've been through so much around this very subject and also surrounding mental health. These are things I wan't to include in my blog aswell, mainly to help other people but also to remind myself.
Being more social is something that might be a little hard to do because of my anxiety but I'm basically just sick of missing out on a bunch of fun things.
Turning someone vegan. Yes, I do realize that most people aren't very open minded when it comes to veganism but it's honestly one of the best things I've ever done and I want to help more people into the right way of living. 
  I wish you all the best of luck this year.

Kom ihåg mig?
Hello! This blog is kind of a work in progress. I don't really know what I want to focus on. If you wanna know more about me you can click the link in the menu above. <3
